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Introduction of Services Japanese | English

Port View (Web Version)

This service provides pages listing arrival/departure schedules of ships on the Internet.
You can see recent arrival/departure schedules and information of ships in ports (not including Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and the year-end and New Year holidays).
Information of 17 domestic ports is compiled in 8 pages. You can use any combination of the pages you want.
*Acrobat Reader is required to use this service.
Service charge: 4,950 yen/month for the first page (including consumption tax)
2nd page and more: 1,650 yen/month extra per additional page (including consumption tax)

To the top page of Introduction of Services

Listed Information
Arrival/departure schedules (date of issuance, the next day and approximately 2 weeks after the next day)
Ships in ports and departure schedules (date of issuance)
Arrival schedules of ships at anchor to ashore (date of issuance and the next day)
Schedules of ships moving from berth to berth (date of issuance and the next day)
Listed Items
Ship name, Nationality, gross tonnage, agency/operator, freight office
Port of departure, last port, date and time of port entrance arrival, date and time of commencement shifting time, berth, date and time of leaving the port
Next port, port of destination, date and time of shifting(except sailing)

Sample screen
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